Besuch auf der "16.ShadowsMusicConvention" am 4.Oktober 2014 in Verden.
Dieter Geike 1
Musiker Treffen
Geike Gittarist
Ich hatte einen kleinen Stand in Verden, den mir Horst Schröder - die "Seele" der Convention - freundlicherweise zur Verfügung gestellt hatte. Der ganze Saal voller Gitarrenmusik-Fans, viele gute Bands, das hat viel Freude gemacht!
Telefon-Interview in der Sendung "Bodenseeflimmern"
am 20.10.2013 mit Jens Bohn im Webradio "memoryhits"
Banner Heartbeat-Radio
Radio-Interview beim Saarländischen Rundfunk "SR3 Saarlandwelle"
moderiert von der Sängerin Ingrid Peters am 11.September 2013
Rezension auf der online-Musikseite "Musikzirkus-Magazin" vom 4.8.2013
bitte klicken Sie auf diesen link.
Rezension in der englischen Gitarren-Instrumental-Zeitschrift "Pipeline"
Ausgabe 92 - summer 2013
Rezension von Dr. Jochen Bartsch, die im Musik-Magazin "Reflections R5/13"
am 28.10.2013 erschienen ist.
Rezension im HIFI-Magazin "Audio" - Heft 9/2013,
im Heft ist eine Audio-CD enthalten, u.a. mit dem Titel "Atmen"
Rezension im Musik- Magazin "Good Times" Ausgabe 4/2013 - August/September
PDF-Datei 955KB
Interview im Hessischen Rundfunk hr4 am 10.August 2013
in der Sendung "Gude, Servus und Hallo", Moderation: Ingo Lücke
Rezension meines Albums im ""
bitte klicken Sie auf diesen link
Rezension in "Visionen" - Magazin für nachhaltiges Leben - 8/2013
PDF Datei 120 KB
"Musik an sich" - Juli 2013
Rezension im Internet-Musikmagazin "Musik an sich" vom 7.7.2013,
klicken Sie bitte hier.
Rock-magazin "eclipsed" - Juli/August 2013
PDF Datei 1,4 MB
Rezension von Gerhard Pramor aus Kanada - April 1013
DIETER GEIKE (Deeter Guykeh)
(c) 2013 Dieter Geike

01 Tanzen (dancing)
02 Jamphel Yeshi
03 Benjamin
04 Sommerzeit (summertime)
05 Indigo
06 Zeitreise (time travel)
07 Atmen (breathing)
08 Weiße Segel (white sails)
09 In der Stille (in silence)
10 Lissabon (Lisbon)
11 Das blaue Schloss (the blue castle)
12 Schwingen (swinging)
13 Pulsschlag (pulsation)

The album "INDIGO" presents a collection of mostly soothing, yet interesting pieces of instrumental guitar music by the renewed Dieter Geike. The latest addition to his already vast guitar collection re-awakened his desire to not only play, but also inspired him to compose again. Those who know Dieter's music from past "blonker" releases will appreciate this new album by Dieter himself for its warmingly mellow, yet enthusiastic assembly of finely tailored melodies, backed with sweetly flowing harmonies.

Dieter had told me about his new A-guitar months ago, and I was eagerly waiting to hear it. He now rewarded me with a complete copy of all thirteen tracks for his new "INDIGO" album to be released later this year.

The very first tune "01 Tanzen (dancing)" made me feel good about living, about me. Right a way I played it again - and again. Introduced by a traditional but well felt bass-line, I love this happy rhythm (without the nowadays far too commonly and over-used two-beat), the soft percussion sounds fittingly picked, including the two-tone temple blocks. The lead guitar sweetly dances through the verse's melody, followed by a steadier chorus executed on the new A-guitar to then be joined by a descending run of the flute-like keyboard bells. The bridge presents a meeting of the rhythm guitar and the lead, both pretty much covering the same tone range, but always retaining their own acoustic space. The bass almost secretly adds contrasting excitement in the bottom range throughout this tune.

"03 Benjamin" does not radiate this happiness, but rather leaves you feeling empty and searching instead. This tune, almost without rhythm, wandering through time and space, seems to be reaching for something that is not there, like a beginning without an end, like an intro without a verse. Here Dieter exposes his private feelings about some not so easy life experience with his son. This haunting tune shows his ability to choose and combine the characteristics and expressions of his musical instruments into a unified statement of his sentiment.

Dieter continues to explore the sound and unique character of his A-guitar in conjunction with various guitar sounds and playing techniques throughout the album. Each song is carefully arranged with an imaginative choice of voices and contrasts within the music spectrum to be presented in a well-balanced and always transparent recording mix.

Having been a steady companion from the start of his music carrier, the new version of "05 Indigo" is a well-deserved enrichment of this tune. While Dieter's keyboard work is usually kept for a harmonic background, the Hammond sound and playing in the refreshingly jazzy "10 Lissabon (Lisbon)" shows that Dieter also knows how to tickle the keys. Here again I must mention how he masters the bass, which is creatively adapted for each and every piece.

"INDIGO" offers many other treats, taking the listener through various rhythms and musical textures of pure Dieter Geike, and - when I feel down a bit - I shall put on "Tanzen" again, and if time allows, enjoy the whole album.

Thank you Dieter,

Gerhard Pramor
April 2013
"Das blaue Schloss" 

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